About tapshex

tapshex is a package and command-line utility for reading and interpreting CSV Files formatted according to the DCTAP Model and expressing them as schemas in the Shape Expressions language (ShEx). This package builds on classes and functions defined in a related package, dctap, and extends them with features that are explicitly aligned with ShEx. The command-line tool provided by tapshex is very similar to the dctap tool provided by a related package, dctap-python.

The tapshex documentation extensively links to, and builds on, the documentation for dctap where interested users will find a general description of the DCTAP Model and a DCTAP Glossary. The tapshex documentation features, in addition, a ShEx Glossary.

This package is under development at https://github.com/tombaker/tapshex, where issues or questions can be posted in its issue tracker.